PharmaLex and all the companies in PharmaLex family are part of Cencora, a leading global healthcare company centered on improving lives. In 2024 and beyond all the companies in PharmaLex family are starting a journey to becoming Cencora as well. It’s a name that represents a global focus on empowering our partners with transformative solutions for broader equity, sustainability and impact in healthcare.
Cencora brings the companies and services together under one new name. Our shared identity unites us in our common purpose to create healthier futures and accelerate positive outcomes for our customers and their patients.
The name is new but the level of attention and service you receive from us remains the same. The same people, the same focus on partnership.
What is changing is you will have access to an expanded suite of solutions and opportunities, should you wish to explore them — a wider range from development to commercialization, more territories, expanded resources. We will remain attuned to your needs and be ready to add new services as your projects require.
It’s an exciting time to be part of Cencora as we build our new identity and continue to create healthier futures for people all over the world.
To learn more about our transition to Cencora, please reach out to your usual company representative with any questions you may have or contact us at becomingcencora@pharmalex.com.
The name is new, but the history runs deep. Learn how we got here.
Becoming part of Cencora FAQs
What is Cencora?
Cencora replaces AmerisourceBergen (PharmaLex’s parent company) as our new parent company name. Cencora’s subsidiaries work across the healthcare system to make sure that people and animals around the world get the medications they need. And while we do a whole lot more than get your medicine from point A to point B, keeping you healthy is what gets us out of bed in the morning.
How do you pronounce Cencora?
What does Cencora mean? Cencora (pronounced sen-KOR-uh) stems from the words center, core, and heart in multiple languages. It's a constant reminder of our customers, their patients, and team members at the center of everything we do. It represents the healthier futures we strive for.
Why are we becoming Cencora?
Because we’re stronger together. Coming together under one new name unites us in our common purpose to create healthier futures and accelerate positive outcomes for our customers and their patients. This integration will allow us to leverage our growth to the benefit of our customers, their patients, and team members.
What does this change mean for the way we do business?
For now, it’s very much business as usual. The only difference is that we are now all part of the broader Cencora organization. Though some business units may experience the name change sooner than others, our services will continue to operate uninterrupted and hopefully, even more seamlessly.
What is the timeline for this change?
The legal name change from AmerisourceBergen Corporation to Cencora, Inc. happened on August 30, 2023. This change was to the parent entity. As with many things in healthcare, the change across our entire company will happen gradually using a controlled and phased approach. For PharmaLex and its subsidiaries, our journey of becoming Cencora PharmaLex is starting now and will continue into 2024.
And of course, we’ll keep you informed every step of the way.
Does this change impact existing contracts?
For now, this is only a name change at our parent entity level. Existing partnerships and contracts made with PharmaLex or other business subsidiaries remain valid and will be fulfilled as promised.
Over the coming months, we will work with you to update contracts as needed for renewal or for legal/compliance purposes.
Will we need to change banking or payment information?
There is currently no need for customers to change payment information. If/when changes are needed, your account partner or company representative will give you advanced notice and guide you through a secure process to initiate the change.
Will this impact current programs, product and service offerings?
Our current offerings will not be impacted, and you can expect the same quality products and services that you have for years. Looking forward, we are excited about the possibility to expand and enhance our services thanks to this integration.
What if a customer does business with another part of the PharmaLex family of companies?
All subsidiary businesses and business units , such as Phlexglobal, Osthus and Pharmasol etc. will operate as usual. Only our parent corporation name is changing at this time. No operational changes will take place at this time, and any changes will be communicated with advanced notice.