Digital Health Teaser Tool
Are you developing health-related software or smart apps? Do you know if your software or app will be classified as a medical device? Does your product meet the MDR requirements? Complete our short questionnaire to find out what help you need.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
According to the answers provided you seem to have a strong knowledge on the new challenges and requirement of MDR 2017/745. If you would like to see how PharmaLex can deploy the full SMARTMDR engine, please reach out to us to see how we can help.
On the basis of this small sample of questions, there may be some gaps remaining in your compliance and we recommend that you seek further advice. Pharmalex can assist you by deploying the full SMARTMDR engine to give you a more complete picture of what needs to be done to remain compliant. on your Medical Device Regulatory journey, Please reach out to us to see how we can help.
On the basis of this small sample of questions, we strongly recommend you take immediate actions to continue commercializing your products under a monitored process. PharmaLex can assist you by deploying the full SMARTMDR engine to give you a more complete picture of what needs to be done to remain compliant, Please reach out to us to see how we can help.
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